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The CDJW Family


CDJW's leadership is packed with people that enjoy other people!  Now that you're a member, we want you to get to know the team that helps make CDJW run.  Below are a list of the board, leadership team, and our founders.  Next time you're at a meeting and see one of us - please stop and say hi so we can get you introduced to other members of the club.  At CDJW there is only one "CLIQUE" and you're in it.  



President : Michael Calimari

I started as a general member (and first time Jeep owner,) in 2016. It did not take long to fall in love with off roading and being around the people of CDJW and the off roading community. I became an active member in the off-road side of the organization by working with the Off-Road Team Leader (TLO) to organize events and foster other club relations. After 2 years of being a part of the off-road team, my interest grew to take on another challenge. I stepped up to Vice President in 2019 and really enjoyed the challenge. Within one year of being Vice President an opportunity arose to be the President. Becoming the first President, since a founder held the position, was a heavy decision. My goal is to continue to grow the club within the off-road community while remaining true to our core goals of being family oriented and all skill and interest level inclusive. 



Vice President : Andrew "Droni" Holland

He first started Jeeping in 2012 and found CDJW on Google. He went to his first off-road event with CDJW and was hooked. He met some great people and admired the way the club was handled. Through the years he took on more and more interest to be a part of the leadership team and took on some minor safety roles. He then became a Deputy Sergeant in Arms in 2019 and learned a lot. Then the opportunity to become Vice President came along
at just the right time this year and he took on the challenge.

President : Jay Anderson

Jason Anderson is one of the original founders of CDJW. Starting the club in 2012 with Keith, Jason helped shape the club into what it is today. A fun and vibrant community of Jeep enthusiasts with a drive for wheeling and giving back to the community. It was important to Jason that the clubs one and only qualifier for membership be that you owned a Jeep Wrangler. This would allow the club to foster strong relationships surrounding the hobby of "Jeeping". Mall crawlers to buggies, he wanted all to feel welcomed in to form the tight and friendly group we have today. Later during the club’s growth, Jason worked diligently to obtain 501c3 (nonprofit) status for the club, opening opportunities to give back to the local community more effectively and join other nonprofit centric Jeep organizations.


Vice President : Steve Ryder

I have been a proud Jeep owner for several years.   After doing some repairs and upgrades to my Jeep I realized there were Jeep clubs in the area that I never knew about.   In the fall of 2018 I found CDJW, went on my first real off-roading trip with them and was welcomed with open arms.   Everyone in the club was patient and accommodating while I was learning the ropes.  After a couple years and more experience I decided to get more involved and give back.   In 2021 I became very active in off-road events and took the position of Deputy TLO.   In the following cycle of elections the TLO position opened up and I gladly took it.   I am looking forward to this upcoming season and what is going to offer everyone involved. 

Sergeant at Arms : Vacant

This position is currently vacant.  Are you a stickler for following the rules?  Do you like administrative work?  If you're an existing member
and would like to volunteer for this potion please join us at a monthly
meeting and talk to a board member.

(We also hope you appreciate the BAD AI photo to the right :-)


Secretary Treasurer : Christina Agans

Christina has been our rockstar social deputy for a few years and is now the Secretary Treasurer. She loves being involved and jumping in when ever possible. She’s always up for a great social event, and is now keeping an eye on the books for us.

Team Leader Social : Andrew Holland

As an early member of the club, Droni brings his calm approach, friendly face, and tons of off-road experience to the presidents position.  Droni's long history with the club gives him great insite into the heart of the club, and what our members are looking for in a local Jeep Club.  He first started Jeeping in 2012 and found CDJW on Google. He went to his first off-road event with CDJW and was hooked. He met some great people and admired the way the club was handled. Through the years he took on more and more interest to be a part of the leadership team and took on some minor safety roles. He then became a Deputy Sergeant in Arms in 2019 and learned a lot. Then the opportunity to become President came along at just the right time this year and he took on the challenge.


Team Leader Off-Road : Eric Gould

He started with the club in 2015 as just a newbie with a stock JK. He went to more and more meetings and off-road events to familiarize himself with his Jeep. After some time, he started to get the hang of things and decided he wanted to be more involved. It started with assisting spotting and a few small trail leading expeditions as Deputy TLO. Leading up to the latest officer vote, he was encouraged to take on the TLO position full time and he accepted. Eric and the team are ready to get the 2021 season going!! They have a tentative schedule laid
out for some great events included in the following pages.

Team Leader Social : Christina Agens

Christina has been our rockstar social deputy for a few years. She loves being involved and jumping in when ever possible. She’s always up for a great social event, if there is anything anyone may enjoy let the social team know!

a Toyota Tecoma Pickup.jpg

Team Leader Off-Road : Vacant


Leadership Team

Deputy TLS : Michah Davis

Michah has always had a love of Jeeps, dogs, and the outdoors. The first vehicle she ever bought was a ’97 TJ back in 2005. Her Dad taught her how to drive stick shift on it in the back woods of her family’s property. It’s her favorite of all the Jeeps she’s owned and she still has it. Michah found CDJW at a benefit event for dogs. Since joining she’s made new friendships while off-roading, camping, playing board games, and learning more and more about Jeeps with other club members. 


Event Organizer : Fred Hu

New to the club?  Meet the team that works behind the scenes to keep the wheels turning (More text to come)



Event Organizer : Fred Hu

Fred is always around to lend a hand and be a friend. He helps out the social team and helps coordinate/manage social and off-roading events that the club hosts.  From 101's to large fundraisers - Fred does it all.  

Deputy TLO : Ralph Peluso

Ralph has been a member of CDJW since 2017. He started his love for Jeeps in 2003 with a TJ and has been enjoying it ever since. At the end of 2021 he joined the Off-Road Team as a deputy off-road leader and is very excited about planning and helping to organize events.



Founder : Jason Anderson

Keith and Jay.jpg

Founder : Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson is one of the original founders of CDJW. Starting the club in 2012 with Keith, Jason helped shape the club into what it is today. A fun and vibrant community of Jeep enthusiasts with a drive for wheeling and giving back to the community. It was important to Jason that the clubs one and only qualifier for membership be that you owned a Jeep Wrangler. This would allow the club to foster strong relationships surrounding the hobby of "Jeeping". Mall crawlers to buggies, he wanted all to feel welcomed in to form the tight and friendly group we have today. Later during the club’s growth, Jason worked diligently to obtain 501c3 (nonprofit) status for the club, opening opportunities to give back to the local community more effectively and join other nonprofit centric Jeep organizations.

Keith and Jay.jpg

Founder : Keith Weber

Keith and Jay were co-workers, and both had Jeeps. They both came to the realization that they should start a club. Before they knew it, they had a website and their first meet up planned. From then on Keith went through many Jeeps until finally landing on a JL Rubicon that loves mud holes. Keith is always a ball of laughs but knows when to be serious. He can be seen leading groups and showing us new guys how it’s done. If you can think it up, there is a good chance Keith has already tried it, made it then blew it up.


Founder : Keith Weber

Keith and Jay were co-workers, and both had Jeeps. They both came to the realization that they should start a club. Before they knew it, they had a website and their first meet up planned. From then on Keith went through many Jeeps until finally landing on a JL Rubicon that loves mud holes. Keith is always a ball of laughs but knows when to be serious. He can be seen leading groups and showing us new guys how it’s done. If you can think it up, there is a good chance Keith has already tried it, made it then blew it up.

Honorary Founder : David Gerard

Dave has been in and around Jeeps for ages. A former racer he knows his way around vehicles and trails. He has been an active member of CDJW from the very beginning. Always jumping in, leading groups, and showing us the ‘right’ way to do things. He has been a steady force in making the club a better organization. In 2019 it was unanimously voted that he become the first honorary co-founder. Well deserved Dave!


Honorary Founder : David Gerard

Dave has been in and around Jeeps for ages. A former racer he knows his way around vehicles and trails. He has been an active member of CDJW from the very beginning. Always jumping in, leading groups, and showing us the ‘right’ way to do things. He has been a steady force in making the club a better organization. In 2019 it was unanimously voted that he become the first honorary co-founder. Well deserved Dave!


© 2019/2020 by CDJW Inc

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